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Solar Ventilators Improve Air Circulation, Lengthen The Life Of Your Roof And Remove Hot Air

Powered by sunlight, solar ventilation systems from Coolray help keep your house cool in the summer. They also promote an extended life for your roof, shingles, and HVAC system.

Reasons You Need Solar-Powered Ventilation For Your Atlanta Area Home

Solar-powered ventilation systems have many benefits. First, they’re powered by the sun so that helps you save on energy bills from the start. Solar ventilation systems help keep attic temperatures low, which means your air conditioner won’t get overworked trying to keep your home cool during hot weather.

During the hot summer months, attics can become excessively heated, creating a heat trap that affects the overall temperature of your home. By using solar-powered fans or vents, the ventilation system expels the hot air trapped in the attic, facilitating a constant flow of fresh air and effectively reducing attic temperatures.

By effectively controlling attic temperatures, a solar ventilation system alleviates the strain on your air conditioning unit. With lower attic temperatures, your air conditioner doesn't have to work as hard to cool your home, leading to reduced energy consumption and lower cooling costs

A few advantages of having Coolray install a solar ventilation system at your home include:

  • Keeps Your Attic Cool So Your AC Isn't Overworked
  • A Cost-Effective Option That Pays For Itself Since You Save On Monthly Energy Costs
  • Keeps Your Attic Cool Which Helps Extend The Life Of Your Shingles And Roof
  • Prevents Moisture In Your Attic From Increasing To The Point It Damages Wood Or Other Infrastructure In Your Home

Why Should I Choose Coolray To Install Solar Ventilation?

Reasons why metro Atlanta residents trust Coolray:

  • When you call us, you’ll always speak with a live person who is an employee of Coolray.

  • All of our work comes with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  • We’re a locally owned and operated company with offices throughout the Atlanta metro area.

  • We take the time to meet with you and understand your needs so we can create custom solutions that meet or exceed your expectations.

Talk with Coolray today about installing solar ventilation at your home today!

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Need to schedule a service call? Want to request an estimate? Just click the button below to start the process online.

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Need immediate assistance? Give us a call anytime! Our customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Attic Ventilation Overview

  • Ventilation and Insulation Services

    If you have the proper amount of insulation and it is installed correctly, you can save on your home energy bill!

  • Two-Year Parts Warranty

    Coolray values your trust. When you join our air conditioning maintenance plan, repairs are covered by our 2-Year Parts Warranty.

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