You are in Georgia. Visit Alabama. Visit Tennessee.

You are in Georgia. Visit Alabama. Visit Tennessee.

You are in Georgia. Visit Alabama. Visit Tennessee.

You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia. Visit Alabama.

You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia. Visit Alabama.

You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia. Visit Alabama.

You are in Alabama. Visit Georgia. Visit Tennessee.

You are in Alabama. Visit Georgia. Visit Tennessee.

You are in Alabama. Visit Georgia. Visit Tennessee.

Replacing an Air Conditioning System: 3 Things Every Atlanta Homeowner Ought to Know

Think you need to replace your central air conditioner? Before you even pick up the phone to call an air conditioning company, read this article.

It will teach you 3 things every Atlanta-area homeowner ought to know when replacing their central air conditioning system.

  • Know if you actually need to get it replaced
    Replacing a central air conditioning system is no small purchase, so you want to make sure that your system really needs to be replaced before you let go of your hard earned money.

    Things to consider are the air conditioner’s:
    • Age (is it over 15 years old?)
    • Frequency of costly repairs (how much and how often do costly repairs happen?)
    • Energy efficiency (has it waned over the years?)

Learn more in our article: 3 Signs Your Old Air Conditioner Has Given Up On You

  • Know what a quality installer looks like
    OK, so you’re positive that you need to get your air conditioner replaced. But now you need to make sure that bad boy is installed properly.


    Because, according to Energystar, a poor installation typically causes your air conditioner to waste 27% of the energy it uses. So for every $1 you use to cool your home, your system is wasting 27 cents.
Pie chart of typical air conditioner or heat pump installation

Picture from showing how poor installation causes energy to be wasted

  • Know what a quality installation looks like

Once you’ve found 3 good contractors, it’s time to test their merits and ask them questions related to how they will install your system. Luckily, you don’t need to memorize the right questions you need to ask.

Instead, download and print the ACCA’s Quality Installation Checklist.

This checklist contains all the questions you need to ask contractors to get an installation that gets your system to work at peak performance.

Get the quality AC installation your Atlanta-area home needs

Need a place to start your contractor search? We invite you to contact us online or call us up at (770) 421-8400 and ask us these installation related questions. We’ll also help you schedule a free estimate when you call.

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