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You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia

You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia

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You are in Alabama. Visit Georgia. Visit Tennessee.

You are in Alabama. Visit Georgia. Visit Tennessee.

How to Know if Your Atlanta Home’s Attic has Enough Insulation

Man in attic cleaning up insulation

We all know that insulation is important. Without it, keeping heat in and out during the winter and summer months respectively would skyrocket your electric bills.

However, the North American Insulation Manufacturers Association (NAIMA) states that if your home is “5 to 10 years old, you likely have one of the 46 million under-insulated homes in the U.S.”

So how do you know if your home has enough? And if you don’t have enough, how much should you add? This article will teach you just that.

Insulation level rule of thumb

ENERGY STAR’s rule of thumb for insulation levels is this: If your insulation is evenly distributed everywhere with no low points and the insulation is just level with or below your attic’s floor joists. you should add more insulation.

How much insulation should I add?

That depends on the R-value your attic needs. R-value is a measure of insulation’s ability to resist heat traveling through it. So, the higher the R-value, the better.

However, at some point, it’s not cost-effective to add more insulation. The R-value you need is based on where you live. (See image below). But on average, a home needs 10-14 inches (R-38) of insulation

Recommended insulation levels heat map of United States

As you can see from this image from, Georgia is a combination of zones 2, 3 and 4.

Contact Coolray online to figure out the exact level of insulation your Atlanta area home needs.

Get an estimate and calculate the payback

To help you know if adding insulation is worth the cost, contact Coolray online to get a free estimate on adding more insulation.

Then use this insulation payback tool from to see how long it will take for the insulation to pay for itself.

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