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You are in Tennessee. Visit Georgia

Plumber looking at water heater with customer

Coolray provides services for all makes and models of water heaters.

Since heating your water is the largest energy user in your home, besides heating and cooling, new energy-efficient water heaters can really make a big difference in your monthly energy bills. Coolray offers a complete lineup of water heater options including heat pump, tankless and high-efficiency gas, and electric units. Each option fits a different need. Coolray offers free estimates for your water heater replacement.


Coolray Includes Important Extras With Every New Water Heater

  • New expansion tank (never re-use an old one)
  • New brass ball valve
  • Gas flex lines that are braided for extra strength and longer life

Never Price a Water Heater on the Phone

You truly get what you pay for with water heater replacements. Beware of low ball offers you get by calling around. This can set you up for some unexpected and expensive surprises. This is true especially if your water heater needs to be of an unusual size to fit a certain space, or if your storage requirements have changed since the last time your water heater was replaced.

Coolray promise is a free estimate and a complete explanation of all costs and recommendations up front, so you will know exactly what you are getting for your money. We back up all our workmanship with the best warranties and guarantees in Tennessee.

Ask About Interest-Free Financing!

Coolray plumber working on tankless water heater smiling

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